Functional Fertilizer

Drone NK



39-0-6+ MgO 1%

NK granular fertilizer specially designed for drone and containing Humic Acid

Package : 15kg


  • Top Dressing   NK fertilizer for top dressing (additional fertilizer).
  • Drone Application   Specially designed granule for drone application.
  • High Efficiency   Contains hydrolysis inhibitor to prevent ammonia volatilization and nutrition leaching.
  • Humic Acid   Water soluble humic acid to increase the fertilizer’s efficiency.




Formula (%)

N P205 K20 MgO Etc
39 0 6 1 Water soluble Humic Acid




Recommended Application

Crop Dosage Note
Rice, Corn, wheat, Barley 50-70kg/ha Apply as top dressing (additional fertilizer)

* The dosage may be different based on soil and water type


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