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Melon Cultivation in Korea: Using Hi-Cote CRF for Better Yields


Melon Cultivation in Korea: Using Hi-Cote CRF for Better Yields



Gyeongsangbuk-do's Seongju, Chilgok, and Gimcheon are renowned for their melon cultivation, collectively producing 90% of Korea's melons. This article introduces how these regions are using Hi-Cote Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRFs) for their melon farms.

Melon Cultivation Facilities in Seongju


Seongju's melon farms typically operate more than ten greenhouses, generating over 100 million KRW in income, with steady growth expected. However, rising raw material prices have increased fertilizer costs, adding financial pressure on farmers.


▲Melon Cultivation Facility in Korea

To alleviate these costs, farmers are increasingly using CRFs (Controlled Release Fertilizers). One notable farm using Nousbo's Hi-Cote CRF is well-known in Seongju for producing high-quality melons. This year’s melons, planted in late November with Hi-Cote CRF, are of excellent quality, featuring smooth leaves and fruit surfaces, and a good size, yielding very satisfying results.


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▲Melons Grown with Hi-Cote CRF Fertilizer

In Seongju, farm management costs, gross income, and net income are all rising, leading to higher fertilizer costs. Last year, the average cost of purchasing mineral fertilizers for greenhouse melons in Korea exceeded 300,000 KRW per 10a.




Cost-effective and Efficient Fertilization 

How much does coated fertilizer cost? 

Typically, when planting 600 seedlings per 10a, about 9kg of Hi-Cote CRF is needed, as approximately 15g is used per seedling. This results in a fertilizer cost of around 100,000 KRW, which is over 200,000 KRW cheaper than conventional mineral fertilizers.



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▲Melons Grown with Hi-Cote CRF Fertilizer (left), Melons Grown with Conventional Mineral Fertilizer (right)



Comparing the photos shows no significant difference between melons grown with coated fertilizers and those grown using traditional methods. This is because Hi-Cote CRF slowly releases N, P, and K nutrients until harvest, thanks to its advanced coating technology. 


Nousbo's ultimate goal is to provide high-quality fertilizers at affordable prices to increase farmers' incomes. Nousbo will continue to enhance farm incomes through specialized controlled release fertilizer technology.







Melon Fertilizers: Low-Nitrogen Content

Melon cultivation typically uses fertilizers with low nitrogen (N) content. A month after planting, continuous fertigation with phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) is essential to improve fruit size and sweetness. Melons can be grown without additional fertigation by using CRF coated fertilizers like Hi-Cote, which already contain phosphorus and potassium. These nutrients are slowly released until harvest, ensuring a steady supply to the melons.

Using low-nitrogen fertilizers and Controlled Release Fertilizers like Hi-Cote is crucial for melon cultivation. This approach maintains proper nutrient supply, enhancing the quality and yield of melons.








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